Instituto Superior Técnico

Observatório de Boas Práticas do IST

Archive for the ‘Outros’ Category

Thinking Green Project – Técnico

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Research, Development and Innovation ● 2022

Available in PT

The “Thinking Green” Project consists of a set of scientific experiments, linked to teaching and research from several Técnico R&D centres, which proposes to develop an integrated plan of small-scale initiatives to be carried out outside the Alameda Campus.

Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Mental health promotion and inclusion in Técnico’s academic community ● 2022

Available in PT

The “Técnico’s Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion” was created as a transversal meeting point for the promotion of mental health and inclusion at Técnico, through the organization of awareness and student support activities.

The Club is aimed to develop initiatives focused on improving cognitive and/or emotional quality of life and promoting better mental health in the Técnico community. Although the organization and format of the activities to be developed were affected by the pandemic, it was possible to carry out a significant number of initiatives via Zoom.