Instituto Superior Técnico

Observatório de Boas Práticas do IST

Archive for the ‘Ligação à Sociedade’ Category

#MulheresNoTécnico (#Women at Técnico): ComunicaCiência Social Network Campaigns

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Communication ● 2022

Available in PT


Considering its different realities, this group intends to bring the communication structure of each unit closer to Técnico’s central communication structure, and foster a common body spirit. In this regard, the #Women at Técnico group carries out:

  1. monthly meetings with all its members, coordinated by ACIM;
  2. training actions in science communication;

3. design and development of joint activities to promote and disseminate science


Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Communication ● 2022

Available in PT

The ISTO É Técnico is part of the ISTO É initiative, which was created to remedy the interruption of classroom activities imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 that proposes to take the training offer and experience in Técnico to potential candidates to Técnico

Tecnico Business Cards

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Technology Transfer ● 2022

Available in PT

In the scope of its Student Career Development Programme, Técnico, in partnership with Santander Universidades, provides 100 business cards free of charge to all Técnico students who request them and meet the regulation requirements.

Técnico’s Business Cards are personalized cards which include the student’s name, institutional email, cell phone contact and the programme the student is attending. The information on the card is in bilingual format (Portuguese and English).

Treme-Treme – Educational Project

Tuesday, November 8th, 2022

Research, Development and Innovation ● 2022

Available in PT

This project resulted from the participation of Instituto Superior Técnico (CERIS) in the European Commission project – UPStrat-MAFA, 2013-15. It is primarily aimed to increase literacy for seismic and tsunami risk in the student community and in the general population. To this purpose, several products have been developed for education and risk communication (from pre-school to high school), including the Treme-Treme game, the manuals ‘Por que é que o chão se move?’ (‘Why does the ground move?’) and the ‘Guia Prático Escola Resiliente aos Sismos’ (‘Practical Guide: Earthquake Resilient School’), as well as activity guides for museums and exhibitions