Instituto Superior Técnico

Observatório de Boas Práticas do IST

Archive for the ‘Geral’ Category

Best practices recognized at 7th Observist Call

Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

Following the 7th ObservIST Call, 20 new Best Practices (BPs) are now known. 

Here they are:

Tax Identification Number (TIN) issuance support service for the international community of Técnico Lisboa

Together with the Portuguese Tax Authority, Técnico’s International Affairs Office and Legal Department have streamlined TIN issuance procedures for its international community members (students of all study cycles, faculty, researchers, employees). This service is available once a semester in order to include all new members of Técnico’s international community.

 Lecture observation at Técnico

The Pedagogical Council (PC), the Academic Development Center (NDA) and the Statistics and Prospective Unit (NEP) have collaborated in the implementation of a lecture observation project at Técnico in order to nurture and improve teachers’ pedagogical skills, contributing to their professional development.

 Training Impact Evaluation System

The Training Development Unit (NFD) and the Human Resources Division (DRH) have developed and implemented a Training Impact Evaluation System, which resulted from an innovative vision of professional training at Técnico Lisboa that allows for effective assessment of the impact of training on the professional performance of all people working at the School.  It ensures a quality monitoring and evaluation system that contributes not only to align and improve planning of the training offer by the NFD but also encourage its continuous improvement.

Training Follow-up System

In order to mitigate the loss of knowledge that occurs in the gap “time of learning – time of use of learning”, the NFD – DRH has introduced a system of follow-up sessions to vocational training at Técnico, which are tailored to each training. One or more sessions may take place after the end of the teaching process, in a timeframe from one week to several months after the end of training. This quality monitoring and evaluation system aims to ensure the impact of training on the professional performance of all those who work at Técnico.

CERIS Day Out 2021

The CERIS Day Out 2021 was held to encourage interaction and decrease isolation among the centre’s young researchers, while reinforcing team spirit, furthering activities among its members, transferring knowledge between different research areas, cultivating cooperative culture and building the CERIS identity in the Técnico community.

Study@Técnico Webinar Series

The Admissions Office has developed a series of webinars in English, called Study@Técnico Webinar Series to disseminate Técnico Lisboa to international audiences, by using tools which allow for viewing information regardless of the time zone or location of the interested party.

The Study@Técnico Webinar Series was created to disseminate Técnico’s educational offer internationally in order to attract and recruit new Regular International Students (third country national students).

Biblioteca@Técnico: change and continuous improvement strategies

This practice entails upgrading of the Library infrastructure in the Main Building in order to concentrate in a single space all the collections, services and staff with a new functional dynamic, implying the internal reorganization of all processes. An organizational diagnosis was firstly carried out, which was underpinned by the Strategic Development Plan with nine areas of action.

Student Representatives’ Tranining Programme

The Student Representatives’ Training Programme (Programa de Formação de Delegados, PFD) is targeted to Técnico’s 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle Year Student Representatives and intends not only to provide them with the tools and knowledge necessary to perform their job and hold those who perform the job accountable.

This programme is one of the initiatives of the Student Representative Body Committee (Comissão para o Corpo de Delegados, CCD) of the Pedagogical Council (CP) of Técnico, a standing committee of the CP, which is made up only by students of that body, which ensures the election of Student Representatives of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle year-programme, and promotes follow-up and training adapted to the needs of Student Representatives.

Business Card

In the scope of its Student Career Development Programme, Técnico, in partnership with Santander Universidades, provides 100 business cards free of charge to all Técnico students who request them and meet the regulation requirements.

Técnico’s Business Cards are personalized cards which include the student’s name, institutional email, cell phone contact and the programme the student is attending. The information on the card is in bilingual format (Portuguese and English).

Thinking Green Project – Técnico

The “Thinking Green” Project consists of a set of scientific experiments, linked to teaching and research from several Técnico R&D centres, which proposes to develop an integrated plan of small-scale initiatives to be carried out outside the Alameda Campus.

The initiative aims to make Técnico Alameda campus a sustainable, biodiverse, accessible, pleasant and communicative space, while testing and monitoring the initiatives with a view to designing a plan to enhance the outer spaces of Técnico campuses.

IPFN Science Summer Camp

The IPFN Science Summer Camp (ISSC) is an immersive research experience, which takes place every year for a month that is aimed to higher education students and constitute a first step towards developing research in a top research unit in Portugal.


The ISTO É Técnico is part of the ISTO É initiative, which was created to remedy the interruption of classroom activities imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 that proposes to take the training offer and experience in Técnico to potential candidates to Técnico.

APIST Kindergarten

Located in the Alameda Campus, the APIST Kindergarten has a capacity for 100 children. As laid down in Técnico Statutes, it was created to provide its employees with the opportunity of having their children closer to them, thus contributing to a better balance between family and professional life, and emotional stability of all.

 #MulheresNoTécnico (#Women at Técnico): ComunicaCiência Social Network Campaigns

Considering its different realities, this group intends to bring the communication structure of each unit closer to Técnico’s central communication structure, and foster a common body spirit. In this regard, the #Women at Técnico group carries out:

  1. monthly meetings with all its members, coordinated by ACIM;
  2. training actions in science communication;
  3. design and development of joint activities to promote and disseminate science.

Técnico Social Network Guide

In order to provide current and future content producers with appropriate tools to implement contents in a standardized manner that reflects the School’s communication strategy, Técnico’s Communication, Image and Marketing Office has developed an initiative, with a strong collaborative nature among Técnico community members that has materialized in four key areas:

  1. Drafting and dissemination of the “Técnico Social Network Guide”, available online for inside and outside Técnico;
  2. Creation of a directory of Técnico presence in Social Networks, and a site dedicated to Técnico Social Networks with all the information related to this subject and
  3. Development of regular trainings to enable Técnico community to create and manage social media accounts.
  4. Direct support in the management of existing social networks

Técnico’s Departments Communication Group for the dissemination and organization of initiatives to promote Técnico’s teaching.

This group was created to bring the communication structure of each of Técnico’s Departments, with their different realities, closer to Técnico’s central communication structure, and foster a common body spirit. It follows the same principle and dynamics as the Research Units Communication Group, started in 2019 and distinguished as Observist Best Practice in 2021.

Treme-Treme – Educational Project

This project resulted from the participation of Instituto Superior Técnico (CERIS) in the European Commission project – UPStrat-MAFA, 2013-15. It is primarily aimed to increase literacy for seismic and tsunami risk in the student community and in the general population. To this purpose, several products have been developed for education and risk communication (from pre-school to high school), including the Treme-Treme game, the manuals ‘Por que é que o chão se move?’ (‘Why does the ground move?’) and the ‘Guia Prático Escola Resiliente aos Sismos’ (‘Practical Guide: Earthquake Resilient School’), as well as activity guides for museums and exhibitions.

 Pilot courses on “Life Cycle Assessment of Construction”

The Pilot Course in “Life Cycle Assessment of Construction” offers innovative integrated technical and scientific knowledge and was the 1st pilot course in “LCA of Construction” offered in Portugal. To meet continued demand, and given the success of the 1st edition, two more pilot editions of this course were organized.

 Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion

The “Técnico’s Student Club on Mental Health and Inclusion” was created as a transversal meeting point for the promotion of mental health and inclusion at Técnico, through the organization of awareness and student support activities.

The Club is aimed to develop initiatives focused on improving cognitive and/or emotional quality of life and promoting better mental health in the Técnico community. Although the organization and format of the activities to be developed were affected by the pandemic, it was possible to carry out a significant number of initiatives via Zoom. 

Scholarship Programme

Through its Business Partnership Unit, Técnico has developed collaboration protocols with the business sector, under the Portuguese Patronage Law. As a result, the Scholarship Programme was created in the 2015/2016 academic year, which aims to support students with academic potential who, for socioeconomic deprivation, lack the resources to afford the costs associated with academic attendance.

Given its proximity to students and faculty members, the Academic Development Unit (NDA), in particular the Tutoring Programme, is responsible for the dissemination and management of the Scholarship Programme.

Learn more about them at the 5th ObservIST Meeting scheduled for November 8, 2022. The name of the venue will be announced in due course.

Since the creation of ObservIST, in 2015, 101 Best Practices in diferent fields have been recognized in Tecnico  community, after being evaluated by different panels.

7th ObservIST Call Closed

Monday, March 14th, 2022

The 7th ObservIST Call is now closed.

After the evaluation of submitted practices by a panel of evaluators a Meeting is planned for the dissemination of Best Practices identified in this 7th ObservIST Call. Certificates will be awarded to practice proponents evaluated as “Best Practices “.

This event, scheduled for a date to be announced, aims to promote the recognition and dissemination of institutional Best Practices within IST community.

7th Best Practice call

Monday, January 3rd, 2022

The ObservIST launches its 7th Best Practice call

The Observatory of Best Practices at IST (ObservIST) is a project that aims to identify, consolidate and disseminate institutional best practices, promoting their valorization and replication, thus boosting continued improvement in the School.

Eight years after the creation of the ObservIST and with 73 Best Practices (BP) identified and recognised between 2015 and 2021, available on its website, ObservIST now launches its its 7th call for Submission of Best Practices until March 12, 2022, and invites the entire IST community to participate.

More informations:


2nd part of the 4th ObservIST Meeting

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

The 2nd part of the 4th ObservIST Meeting took place on November 16th, which brought together various elements of the community to debate and analyze the work done so far within the scope of the Technician’s Challenge for the Integration of People and Pedagogical Best Practices.

The 2nd part of the 4th ObservIST Meeting was reported on the Técnico website

The 4th Meeting of the IST Best Practice Observatory – November 16, 2021 (part 2)

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

The 2nd part of the 4th ObservIST Meeting will be held on November 16th, in room 4.41 of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources (DECivil), with two round tables to discuss and analyze the Technico Challenge for People Integration and Pedagogical Best Practices.

The Best Practices (BP) recognized in the 6th Call, and the presentations provided by the authors of the BPs during the 4th Meeting that took place on October 12th,  are available online.

4th Meeting Program – 2nd part (PDF, 198KB)

Streaming transmition

The entire IST community is invited to this Meeting.


Dissemination of Best Practices Recognized in the 6th Call of ObservIST || 4th ObservIST Meeting

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

In the fulfilment of its mission, ObservIST continues the dissemination of the Best Practices (BP) recognised in its 6th Call, publishing online the BP recognised and the presentations provided by the authors of the BP during the 4th ObservIST Meeting that took place on 12 October, in the Salão Nobre of the Alameda campus.






The 4th Meeting of ObservIST was reported on the Técnico website.

4th ObservIST Meeting

Wednesday, September 1st, 2021

Part 1

The 4th Observist Meeting will be held on the 12th October (Salão Nobre – Pavilhão Central with streaming broadcast)  with the following agenda:

  • Dissemination of the Best Practices identified under the 6th Call, promoting their recognition and sharing among IST community members.

After the evaluation of proposed practices, in the 6th Call of Observist, by a panel of evaluators, 12 Good Practices were identified

The evaluation panel selected practice “Explain like I’m 5’ – Talks about science at Técnico for curious children and grownups” for “Best Practice of the Year”.


Part 2

On the 16th November , the 2nd part of this meeting will take place in room 4.41 of the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources (DECivil) with two round tables to promote the discussion and analysis of practical pedagogical methodologies, which encompass new ways of delivering lessons and the use of new technologies, including digital solutions, and practices to promote integration of students, faculty, researchers, technical and administrative staff on campus.


The IST community is invited to this Meeting.

Part 1 – 12th October : Programme of 4th ObservIST meeting- part 1 (PDF, 138KB).

Parte 2 – 16th November: Programme of 4th  ObservIST meeting- part 2 (PDF, 198KB).


NOTE: The presentations will be in PT



12 Best Practice Award Winners at the 6th ObservIST Call

Friday, July 2nd, 2021

The 12 Best Practices (BP) Winners have already been disclosed, following the ObervIST’s 6th Call. Learn more about them at the 4th ObservIST’s meeting to be scheduled for the 12th October 2021, at the Salão Nobre no Campus Alameda.


Best Practices recognized at the 6th ObservIST’s Call:

‘Explain like I’m 5’ – Talks about science at Técnico for curious children and grownups. (BP of the year 2021)

These talks seek to encourage children’s interest in science, underpinned in a cycle of talks with researchers of all scientific areas taught at Técnico, which deal with the scientific work carried out at the institution by using simple and accessible language for 5-year olds.

Scrum-based supervision of MSc theses

A study which identifies the benefits of using Scrum to manage MSc theses.

Exonline: Use of the OpenedEX platform for evaluation (tests, exams)

Use of OpenEDX, exclusively for evaluation, with different levels of complexity, which is suitable for exams in STEM subjects through different types of questions.

Recover, organize and make digital information available at the Técnico Library: an evolving reality

The construction of a digital library should cater for Técnico community’s needs in terms of content nature and access to information and be able to ensure the safekeeping of documents in the long run. This reality has already been set in motion and is one of the strategic goals for development of the Técnico library.

 Safely CERIS Day Out 2020 during COVID19

The purpose of this event was to promote the interaction between young CERIS researchers and decrease isolation among them, while enhancing team spirit, promoting activities between its members, transferring knowledge between different research areas, promoting cooperation and carrying out the CERIS role in the community.


Lab2Market@Técnico is an innovation acceleration programme, which aims to seek the best way of valuing the technologies developed by Técnico faculty, researchers and MSc and PhD students.

‘ISTO É’  Podcast

The ‘ISTO É’ podcast gives students voice to reply to candidates’ frequently asked questions, which deal mainly with Técnico’s educational offer and academic life, overcoming constraints brought by the pandemic and reaching out to prospective students.

Faraday News

This is a news platform which aims to bring together the general public and cutting-edge technology in different areas of Engineering, in particular Electronic Engineering, by increasing knowledge and paving the way for those who want to know more.

‘Grupo Comunica Ciência’, for the dissemination and communication of science carried out at Técnico, internally and externally

The goal of this group is to bring together the communication structure of the different units and the central communication structure of Técnico, as well as furthering a common body sense.

Virtual Visit to Técnico

Virtual visits to overcome the lack of access to Técnico facilities in the second semester of 2019/2020, as a result of the pandemic which led to the cancellation of the visits promoted by the NAPE’s Guides.

Working@Tecnico: Assessment of Psychosocial Risks at Técnico

Description of data collection and analysis, planning and implementation of an awareness campaign for Psychosocial Risks at Técnico.

Mechanics I makes the difference!

Description of the introduction of a separate collection procedure of urban solid waste and the development of a model with operating management measures and communication strategies.

Since its creation in 2015, 73 Best Practices have been recognized by the ObservIST, in a wide range of fields, by expert review teams.

ObservIST’s 6th Call Closed

Monday, March 29th, 2021

The 6th ObservIST Call ended on March 12 with the submission of 12 practices distributed by 6 thematic fields:

  • Higher Education
  • Communication
  • Human Resources
  • Research, Development and Innovation
  • Technology Transfer
  • Other: Sustainability

The submitted practices will be assessed by a panel of evaluators and afterwards a Meeting is planned for the dissemination of Best Practices identified in this 6th ObservIST Call. Certificates will be attributed to the proponents of the practices evaluated as “Best Practices “.

This event, scheduled for a date to be announced, aims to promote the recognition and dissemination of the institution’s Best Practices within IST community.

Dissemination of Best Practices Recognized in ObservIST’s 5th Call

Tuesday, October 20th, 2020

In order to fulfill the ObservIST mission, we continue to disseminate the Best Practices recognized in the 5th Call by publishing presentations and / or videos provided by the authors on the ObservIST Website:

The remaining Best Practices recognized in this 5th call can be consulted in the 2020 Portfolio (PDF, 2.4MB) and in presentations / videos to be released soon.

We take the opportunity to invite Técnico community to visit the ObservIST’s You Tube channel



Best Practice of the year

Design e Design and Production of MOOC courses at Técnico (PDF, 1MB)


Presentation vídeo (PT)

HIGHER EDUCATION EscapulISTe? Escape games with LEIC Students  (PDF, 280KB)



Presentation vídeo (PT)

PAwards from the Dept of Civil Engineeirng, Architecture and Earth Resources: Awards Professor Alberto Abecasis Manzanares e Professor João Arménio Correia Martins (PDF, 127KB)


Presentation video (PT)



Presentation (PT) (PDF,12MB)  

SOFT SKILLS NDA – academic career impact assessment  (PDF, 329KB)



Presentation (PT) (PDF,256KB )

 COMMUNICATION Alumni Talks (PDF,198KB )



Presentation (PT) (PDF, 929KB)

Survival Guide (PDF,108KB)|| Annex (PDF, 8MB)



Presentation (PT) (PDF, 616kB)

Visits to Técnico (PDF,110KB)



Presentation (PT) (PDF, 890KB)




Presentation (PT) (PDF, 404KB)

Gender Balance@Tecnico (PDF, 125KB)



Presentation Vídeo

GENEE _Collective workgroup to promote inclusion of students with disabilities, from Técnico Lisboa (PDF, 163, KB). Attachments 1 (PDF, 1MB), 2 (PDF, 586KB),2.1. (PDF,444KB), 2,2(PDF, 1MB),3(PDF, 586KB)


Presentation (PT) (PDF, 718KB)

Social C2TN, (PDF,129KB)



Presentation Vídeo



Ceris Open Day Organizing Commitee ( PDF, 128KB)



Presentation Vídeo



Apresentação (PDF, 2MB)

INTERNATIONALIZATION International Staff Week (PDF, 132KB)



Presentation (PT) (PDF, 517KB )

Link to Society Exhibition “Nó Cego”(PDF, 131KB)



Presentation (PT)ção (PDF, 1MB)